Author talk – Jodie Hedley-Ward: a sexy mother

When she became a mother herself, Jodie Hedley-Ward failed to find any book that supported her own beliefs about what motherhood could, and should, be, so she set about writing one herself. You sexy mother was the triumphant result.

since then, thousands of women have read and aborbed the you sexy mother philosophy, then sought further information and contact with other women through the author’s busy website

Jodie has also received hundreds of emails from women whose lives have been positively changed ghrough reading the book and by adapting many of the practical suggestions to their own lives.

Inspired by these women, Jodie created you sexy mother: the journal, a beautiful but practical follow up to her first book, offering sensible advice on self-perception, self respect, the importance of relationships, simplifying your life, creativity through motherhood and making use of community resources.

The jornal is also a workbook, containing numerous reflection questions, quotes and thoughts designed to stimulate inner growth and change. Jodie has also updated the transformational ten-day turnaround plan that appeared in her first book, making this book even more useful.

Judie hedley-Ward has several degrees including a master of business, and worked as a marketing executive around the world, before marriage to David and two children. She’s an Australian author and lives in Queesland.

Judie is coming to Parramatta City Library for the First Wed Author talk on May, 5th.  Come and join us for this fascinating talk.