In the recent Wednesday book club the group discussed Anna Funder’s award winning novel All That I Am. All members of the group really enjoyed the book and highly recommended it.
Some of the comments include:
- Some wonderfully well written – a great journalist who researched the material for the book thoroughly.
- Sometimes the change of the narrator was a bit confusing but worthwhile sticking with.
- It was surprising to realise that the refugees who went toLondonin the 1930s were so restricted and quite insecure in their “residency” status.
- It was shocking to realise that the English were actually quite pro-Nazi during the 1930s.
- The beginning of the book being so ordinary – Ruth is inBathlistening to the radio – makes the events which follow even more shocking.
- It was interesting that some of the wealthy “privileged” people were keen to improve the lives of the poor without really knowing or understanding their circumstances.
The book had some interesting personal links for some of the group – one had family inLondonwho knew Jewish refugees, another had family living inSilesia, Ruth’s mother’s home.
Overall the group rated the book: 10 out of 10.