The group discussed how this was a very interesting book which focuses on the policies of the Bush Government, and how that government manipulated the incident of Pat Tillman’s death.
The history of Afghanistan over the last 100 years is very well researched and presented.
The subject of the biography, Pat Tillman, was a man of incredible integrity who was not pro-war but felt it was his patriotic duty to fight for his country. The cause of his death was due to an army bungle which was covered up by the administration.
Several book group members ended up skipping through the book because Jon Krakauer’s narrative style grated on them. They would have preferred the book to remain solely factual.
Jon Krakauer has immersed himself in the family and blended personal insight or opinion with the biography
All group members found the history ofAfghanistanwhich is covered in the book to be very interesting and well written.