Director Miles Roston is a filmmaker who has filmed around the world from Vietnam to Australia to Sierra Leone. His film, 14 Million Dreams, about five orphans of AIDS in Kenya and Malawi debuted on World Aids Day on the Sundance Channel, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, and around the world. His other films have also won him various awards and an Emmy nomination. In addition to documentaries, he co-created, and wrote and directed over 20 episodes of Aliens Among Us, a 65 part children’s series blending animation, drama and documentary for Five in the UK, and airing internationally including on the ABC. His dramatic feature film, also set against the background of the AIDS epidemic, is in pre-production with producers Graham Bradstreet, Marten Rabarts and Xoliswa Sithole.
In his inspirational and daring book ‘Making a world of difference’, Miles Roston tells the tales of people from around the world who, despite unlikely backgrounds, have used their skills and energy to change the lives of those less fortunate than themselves.
These are the stories of people who dared to live their dreams, many against all the odds. When bad luck, misfortune, or tragedy struck them, they changed their lives, and those around them – thousands of lives.
This book will be published in March 1st. Parramatta City Library is going to purchase this book as soon as it’s available. Miles Roston will be coming to the library in March 3rd for the Lunch Hour Author Talk.