Monthly most popular adult non fiction titles

Before starting a relaxing Easter long weekend, don’t forget add some interesting books into your time. This year, our adult non fiction titles have been doing really well. Here are the top ten most popular titles from last month.

  1. The subtle art of not giving a fuck : a counterintuitive approach to living a good life by Mark Manson
  2. The life-changing magic of tidying up : the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondō
  3. The house of lies by Renee McBryde
  4. The cosmic tourist: the 100 most awe-inspiring places in the universe  by Brian May
  5. The barefoot investor : the only money guide you’ll ever need by Scott Pape
  6. Pre-cut combo quilts: blending jelly rolls, layer cakes, turnovers and more by Debra Fehr Greenway
  7. I quit sugar: your complete 8-week detox program and cookbook by Sarah Wilson
  8. What great parents do: 75 simple strategies for raising fantastic kids by Erica Reischer
  9. The power of when : learn the best time to do everything by Michael Breus
  10. The no spend year : how I spent less and lived more by Michelle McGagh