Each month behind the scenes at City of Parramatta Libraries staff work tirelessly to get thousands of new items onto the Library’s shelves each month! Providing library members with a wide range of titles and material to choose from.
Below is a small snapshot of just some of the items to arrive on the shelves in May 2019; including new publications and top-up titles.
Reserving your copy is easy and free, click on the book cover and have your library card and password/pin handy!
Adult Fiction
So many varied and interesting titles including thrillers, fantasy, historical fiction and more!
We have you covered with the following non-fiction titles; so many varied subjects to choose from!
A great selection of board books, picture books, junior fiction and non-fiction.
It does not seem to matter if I am browsing through ‘All About Books’ or checking our recent additions; I always seem to end up with too many Young Adult titles on my TBR list. I hope the following titles allow you to grow your own TBR pile!