Review of ‘Even silence has an end’ by Ingrid Betancourt

The First Wednesday Book Group read ‘Even silence has an end’ by Ingrid Betancourt for the month of July 2011. This memoir features the story of Ingrid Betancourts’ six year period of captivity by FARC (Revolutionary armed forces of Columbia). Here are the thoughts of the group of the book:

  • Highly worth reading, however not a book you would desperately rush to read again;
  • The politics and characterisations of the people were very interesting;
  • FARC politics and their place in the world currently were discussed;
  • One member of the group could not “get into it” but was impressed by Ingrid herself;
  • One member felt it wasn’t an easy book to read but was very glad she did, and she likes the book groups for the reason that you read things you normally would not choose for yourself;
  • One member thought that Ingrid was “purging” her experiences by authoring the book;
  • Not a ‘page-turner’, laborious read – too detailed;
  • Consensus of the group – good book, not uplifting content but worthwhile, even for the political knowledge alone.