Season’s Greetings & Happy Reading

Season’s greetings from all staff at Parramatta City Library!

It’s almost to the grand conclusion of our National Year of Reading. To keep the reading alive we’re asking your favourite reads.

The following list is from the SMH by Linda Morris as she asks 6 authors for their favourite escapist reads which they return again and again: Continue reading

Discussion notes from Dundas – Love2read


有人说阅读小组的讨论使他们有机会同其他爱读者共同学习。比如有个组员刚从中国回来,她提到中国的很多新的出版物, 比如刚阅读的一本 “有一种智慧叫包容”。她把新书消息和阅读心得与大家分享。 Continue reading

Summer Reading 2012 -2013

It’s festive time and also a time for enjoying books.

Wonder what to pick? Parramatta City Library has some suggestions. Continue reading

Rankin and Greenwood

Author: Ian Rankin       Title: Standing in another man’s grave

Author: Kerry Greenwood         Title: Unnatural habits: a Phryne Fisher mystery

Yan’s pick

This is the first time I have  read  an Ian Rankin book. I know he’s famous for his Rebus, the detective series. Rebus was also made into a TV series in UK.I am late coming  to Rankin’s books due to the fact there is a  very uncomfortable element to his work. For example, the bad people can’t always be dealt with  in a lawful way,  but Rebus has to take the risk to do certain things not according to the ‘book’ and that can get him into the trouble. In fact the justice is not always done by the book either. Continue reading