CBCA Awards 2017 Winners

Established in 1945, the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) is a not-for-profit, volunteer run organisation which aims to engage the community with literature for young Australians.

Recently CBCA has announced this year’s winners for the Awards as following

Older readers


One Would Think the Deep (Claire Zorn, UQP)

Honour books

Words in Deep Blue (Cath Crowley, Macmillan)

The Bone Sparrow (Zana Fraillon, Lothian)

Younger readers


Rockhopping (Trace Balla, A&U)

Honour books

Dragonfly Song (Wendy Orr, A&U)

Captain Jimmy Cook Discovers Third Grade (Kate Temple, Jol Temple & John Foye, A&U)

Early childhood


Go Home, Cheeky Animals! (Johanna Bell, illus by Dion Beasley, A&U)

Honour books

Nannie Loves (Kylie Dunstan, Working Title Press)

Gary (Leila Rudge, Walker Books)

Picture book


Home in the Rain (Bob Graham, Walker Books)

Honour books

Mechanica (Lance Balchin, Five Mile Press)

The Patchwork Bike (Maxine Beneba Clarke, illus by Van T Rudd, Lothian)

Eve Pownall Award for Information Books


Amazing Animals of Australia’s National Parks (Gina M Newton, NLA Publishing)

Honour books

A-Z of Endangered Animals (Jennifer Cossins, Red Parka Press)

The Gigantic Book of Genes (Lorna Hendry, Wild Dog Books)

Crichton Award for Debut Illustrator


Van T Rudd for The Patchwork Bike (Maxine Beneba Clarke, Lothian)