Ditmar Awards 2017 winners

The winners of the 2017 Ditmar Awards for Australian science-fiction, fantasy and horror writing were announced at the 56th Australian National Science Fiction Convention Continuum 13 in Melbourne.

Here are something for Aussie Sci-Fi fans.

Best novel

The Grief Hole (Kaaron Warren, IFWG)

Best novella or novelette

‘Did We Break the End of the World?’ (Tansy Rayner Roberts in Defying Doomsday, Twelfth Planet Press)

Best short story

‘No Fat Chicks’ (Cat Sparks, In Your Face)

Best collected work (tie)

 Defying Doomsday (Tsana Dolichva & Holly Kench, Twelfth Planet Press)

Dreaming in the Dark (Jack Dann, PS Publishing)

Best artwork

Shauna O’Meara for illustration of Lackington’s #12

Best fan publication

2016 Australian SF Snapshot (Greg Chapman, Tehani Croft et al)

Best fan writer

Foz Meadows

Best new talent

Marlee Jane Ward

William Atheling Jr Award for criticism or review

The Rebirth of Rapunzel: A Mythic Biography of the Maiden in the Tower, (Kate Forsyth, FableCroft).

No award was given in the Best Fan Artist category.