Inky Awards Longlist 2015

The 2015 Inky Award Shortlist is out!

On the list are some great titles. For more information checkout the Inside a Dog website where you can vote for the winner.

We have most of the titles and the others are on order, so why not work your way through the list and have your pick before the winner is announced.

Gold Inky award (Australian Titles)

Laurinda, by, Alice Pung

Razorhurst, by, Justine Larbalestier

The Protected, by, Claire Zorn

The Intern, by, Gabrielle Tozer

The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl, by, Melissa Keil

Silver Inky Award (International Titles)

Since You’ve Been Gone, by, Morgan Matson

Bird, by, Crystal Chan

Fangirl, by, Rainbow Rowell

We Were Liars, by, E. Lockhart

Spark, by, Rachael Craw