March Violets by Philip Kerr


First Wednesday Book Group – September 2014



  • Good story. Did not like style of writing-too many similes. 2 out of 5 stars.
  • Enjoyed the book. Setting interesting & background also. Dialogue good.
  • Historically fairly accurate. 3.5 stars, would recommend.
  • Found Bernie Gunther captures Berlin well in 1930s. Depicts corruption & brutality of Nazis. Marries history and fiction well. Episodes in book gel with actual history. Liked Bernie Gunther. 4 stars, would recommend.
  • Enjoyed Berlin, fascinating. History of time accurate. Did not like references to women; sexist. Dark corrupt, hopelessness portrayed well. 3.5 stars
  • Set the scene well of pre-war era. See the horror beginning. Fascinating! I would not have picked up prior to reading group; so grateful for that. 4 stars
  • Wisecracking, irritating. Lost track of some characters enjoyed back story. 3.5 stars.
  • Put off by similes (too many). Good descriptions without similes. Plot too wide? 3 stars.