Episode 30 – What is a Romance Novel?
Stories of love – romantic love – have been entertaining people for thousands of years. Shared through the written medium, stories within the romance genre have been one of the biggest publishing phenomena of the last century.
Join Katherine and Nisa as they discuss this vast and unwieldy category of books, home to a variety of sub-genres ranging from paranormal romance, fantasy romance and historical romance to contemporary romance, (possibly) chick lit, erotic romance and religious/Christian romance novels.
Books discussed include:
Pride and Prejudice / Jane Austen. T. Egerton, 1813
Love in the time of cholera / Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Alfred A Knopf, 1988 [originally publisher in Spanish in 1985]
Pride, prejudice and other flavours / Sonali Dev. Harper Collins, May 2019
Outlander / Diana Gabaldon. Delacorte Books, 1991.