All About Books – Summer 2020

The latest edition of our reading suggestions guide for adults and teens is now out for Summer 2020. It has an amazing array of books that are being published over the next 3 months in a variety of genres and subjects – there is sure to be something for everyone. Pick up your FREE copy at any of our Library branches or click the cover to download. Each book cover in the guide contains a one-click link to our Library Catalogue for easy reservations. Why not quick link your copy even before it is published!

We are also asking for feedback about the format and contents of All About Books via a short survey in order to help us make the booklet even better. You have until Sunday 15 March 2020 to complete the survey and you can go into the draw for a chance to win a $30 book pack prize – just for having your say. The survey can be completed here or ask Library Staff for a paper copy.

Don’t forget that the All About Books – Kids edition for 0-5 year olds is also out and available at any of our Libraries. It has a range of suggested books to read as well as many fun puzzles.