Miles Franklin Literary Award 2022 Longlist

The Miles Franklin Literary Award was established by feminist, and author of My Brilliant Career, Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin. First presented in 1957, the Award celebrates novels of the highest literary merit that tell stories about Australian life, shining a light on some of the country’s most accomplished writers. The shortlisted finalists will be revealed on 23 June 2022 and the winner announced on 20 July 2022.
Why not read one now and see if you can pick the winner?


This Tuesday 17 May is International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). It’s a day to recognise the efforts to remove discrimination against people on the basis of sexuality or gender identity and to show our commitment to building a more inclusive community #parramattapride.

The library has numerous resources to help people learn more about the LGBTQIA+ community and to support those who are members of the community. What does this acronym stand for? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (one’s sexual or gender identity), Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender and the “+” symbol simply stands for all of the other sexualities, sexes, and genders that aren’t included in these few letters.

It can sometimes be tricky to find the resource you are looking for as different keywords can be used by different people/groups here are some of the more common search terms you can try in our library catalogue: LGBT, any of the words in the LGBTQIA acronym, sexual minorities, same sex, gender. TIP – you can use the advanced search options to remove words that you don’t want to look for eg. Find items that have: queer and Don’t show items that have: queen.

Here are just some of the titles we have to borrow to help get you started. Why not learn more or show your support by borrowing one or more resources today?

Booksellers’ Choice Book of the Year

The Australian Booksellers Association (ABA) has announced the shortlists for the 2022 Booksellers’ Choice Book of the Year Awards. The Booksellers’ Choice Book of the Year Awards recognise the Australian books that booksellers most enjoyed reading and hand-selling during the previous year. The winners will be announced on Sunday, 12 June at the ABA conference gala dinner and awards night in Sydney.

Can you predict the winner(s) before then?

Aurealis Awards 2022

The Aurealis Awards were established in 1995 by Chimaera Publications, the publishers of Aurealis magazine, to recognise the achievements of Australian science fiction, fantasy and horror writers. The awards originally comprised four categories: science fiction, fantasy, horror, and young adult. A fifth category for children’s fiction was added in 2001. The YA and children’s categories cover works in all three speculative fiction genres. The list of finalists and winners have increased the profile of Australian science fiction, fantasy, and horror, and provide an essential reading list for anyone interested in these genres.

The 2022 Shortlist titles are below, the winners for each category will be announced on Saturday 28 May. Why not borrow and read one or more before the award ceremony and see if you can pick the winner(s)!

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NSW Premier’s Literary Awards Shortlist

UPDATE – Winners have been announced!
Book of the Year & Multicultural NSW award – Still alive – Safdar Ahmed with other winners below.
People’s Choice winner –The shut ins – Katherine Brabon.

The NSW Premier’s Literary Awards are held annually. They are the richest and longest running state-based literary awards in Australia and cover all genres of writing. The shortlisted titles for the 2022 Awards have been released with the winners being announced on 16 May during the Sydney Writers’ Festival.

People’s Choice Award – Select your favourite from the books shortlisted for the Christina Stead Prize for Fiction to enter the draw to win one of two prize packs of all six books. Click on the image above or here to enter the competition. Voting closes Sunday 1st May.

Christina Stead Prize for Fiction – Shortlist

The award may be made for a novel or a collection of stories. Works of creative non-fiction, including fictionalised memoirs, are eligible for consideration under this category. The award commemorates Christina Ellen Stead (1902–1983), Australian novelist and short story writer.

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