Why listening to eAudiobooks is my favourite thing to do!
I am not ashamed to admit, that if I cannot listen to an eAudiobook daily; I tend to turn into an irritable, tired toddler.
At the end of a long eight hours of work, the only way I can make it through the commute home is to turn on my current eAudiobook and relax into an hour of non interrupted bliss.
Making time for reading can be difficult, that is why I love listening to eAudiobooks. Anywhere, anytime I can be transported to another world, time and place. eAudiobooks bring the story to life and provides a deeper connection to the story and characters.
To all those non-believers out there I say, “don’t knock it until you try it”.
Included in this post are the eAudiobooks I have listened to this year plus, a few of my favourites that I listen to every year. My hope is that you too will discover something great to listen to.
All the amazing eAudiobooks below can be accessed via City of Parramatta Libraries Borrow Box collection.
Happy listening,

My absolute favourites! eAudiobooks I listen to each year.