This year Parramatta City Library has started a themed reading group on the last Saturday of the month. The members of this book club don’t read the same title for their monthly meeting. Instead they read books according to the monthly themes in conjunction with #readit2011 – online reading challenge.
#readit2011 – online reading challenge is a state wide reading program in NSW public libraries. Parramatta City Library provides suggestion of fiction & non fiction readings every monthly. The book club can select their readings from the lists or they can read the books of their own choice.
Last Saturday, three of the members brought those titles to our attention
Zeo read Nora Roberts‘ ‘Savour the moment‘, one of the titles from ‘The bride quartet’ series. It’s a book set up in bridal business. It’s more about business flavour rather than finding love. Zeo’s comments on the book – Light and fluffy, easy to pick up and put it down; fantasy factor acknowledged even though the book is romantic. She enjoyed reading it.
Margaret read ‘The memory keeper’s daughter by Kim Edwards. The book is set in Boston, America, winter 1964. It draws a person in right from its first chapter. Two people, Norah and David were married and were having their first child. Then the twins were born. One was healthy but the other one, a baby girl, was born with Down’s Syndrome. With the help of nurse Caroline, David sent the baby girl to an institution without telling the truth to Norah. Although Caroline was in love with David she couldn’t send away the baby girl and decided to raise the girl herself. Margaret thought the book was very well written. Both stories are twisted and full of emotion. Margaret highly recommended this book to everyone.
Jackie discussed ‘The painted veil‘ written by W. Somerset Maugham. The book is set in England in 1920s. Kitty married Walter not for love. They moved to HK when it was a colony of Britain. Kitty takes a lover there, but only then begins to see good qualities in her husband Walter. They grow closer and closer but Walter dies of cholera. Margaret said there was no real veil. It was just a symbol of some hidden personality.
None of the members read a non fiction title. However the library posted some romance for non fiction lovers. Titles like ‘Eat pray love’ by Elizabeth Gilbert, ‘Act like a lady, think like a man’ by Steve Harvey are also suggested if not mention romantic poems.
March theme is fantasy. So pick up a book and start reading now. The Last Saturday Book Club welcomes more people joining. Contact Parramatta Library for more information or ring 9806 5159.