Reading & Puzzle Competition Wrap-Up

Our Summer ‘Reading & Puzzle’ competition has now finished. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Eligible entries were placed in a draw and the winners randomly drawn by the Manager Libraries, on Wednesday 19 February. The three lucky winners have notified and will soon be enjoying their ‘bag full of books’.

Participation certificates (for those who elected to receive one), will be available for collection from nominated libraries from Wednesday 27 February 2020. Any certificates not collected by 20 March 2020 will be confidentially destroyed.

If you would like to check your answers, you can do so below or at any of our libraries.

Reading & Puzzle – Answers

We hope you enjoyed participating in this years Summer ‘Reading & Puzzle’ competition and will join in again next Summer!


We have already started discussing ideas for next Summer and we hope to present a bigger and better program for all our members to enjoy!