National Recycling Week runs until 15 November. It is a handy reminder to all of us to recycle and keep quality resources in use and out of landfill. By doing this we conserve our natural resources.
Parramatta City Library has number of books in its collection on information such as recycle, reuse, reduce and how to do manual. Here are some new titles
The Australian green consumer guide : choosing products for a healthier planet, home and bank balance by Tanya Ha
Composting : decomposition by Buffy Silverman Cradle to cradle : remaking the way we make things by William McDonough & Michael Braungart
Every last drop by Craig Madden & Amy Carmichael
Recycle! : a handbook for kids by Gail Gibbons
Recycling things to make and do by Emily Bone and Leonie Pratt
The rich and fertile story of compost : resurrection in a bucket by Margaret Simons
Rooms from remnants by Janette Swift
Design for water : rainwater harvesting, stormwater catchment, and alternate water reuse by Heather Kinkade-Levario
Water-saving tips for dummies by Michael Grosvenor