The drowning girl – a book review

Title: The drowning girl

Author: Margaret Leroy

                       Sarah’s Pick

Four year old Sylvie isn’t quite like other children. She can be distant and has regular tantrums and nightmares. She refuses to call her mother “Mum”, instead calling her by her first name. She constantly draws the same picture of her “real home”, says strange things and is very afraid of water. She is fixated with a photo of a seaside village in Ireland. Continue reading

“The perfect Mother” – a Book Review

Title: The perfect mother

Author: Margaret Leroy                                        

                                   Sarah P’s pick 

Catriona seems to have put aside her troubled childhood and is now living the life she wanted. She lives in a nice home with her husband, stepdaughter and her own daughter Daisy. However Daisy gets the flu and doesn’t seem to recover fully. Catriona tries to help her but finds her attempts are misunderstood and she is at risk of having Daisy taken away from her. Continue reading