Uncover Something New, Library Lovers Day 2020
Help City of Parramatta Libraries celebrated ‘Library Lovers Day’ on Friday on 14th February 2020 and ‘Uncover Something New!’

Participating is simple! Borrow one of our specially wrapped books on the day. Find a SILVER ticket inside to win one of seven $30 Dymocks gift cards. Find the lucky GOLDEN ticket to win a $50 Dymocks gift card.
Each ‘Blind Book’ will come with an ‘Uncover Something New’ bookmark, plus a book themed trivia sheet.
Trivia answers will be available from Library branches from Tuesday 18 February 2020 and online at Parra Reads.
Lucky winners can present their tickets at any of our libraries between Tuesday 18 February & Friday 21 February to claim their prize.
Drop in to any of our Libraries on Friday 14 February to borrow a book. Available while stocks last.
Open to adults aged 18+. You must me a library member to participate. A total of two books per person can be borrowed.