November Meeting for Literacy Reading Group

As the National Year of Reading theme for the month of November is “Cry” we read and discussed two articles relating to this topic. Both articles were very interesting and different. The first article relating to the physiological aspects and medicinal benefits of crying and the second article ponders the best way to say our last goodbye.

 The first article we read was A sob story by Margo White. From North and South, 1/1/09, Issue 283, p82-83.

 We discussed the physical and psychological benefits of crying along with some very interesting statistics on crying.

Some of the words and meanings we discussed are listed.

Linguistic                   language

Syntax                        rules of a language

Redundant                no longer useful

 The second article we read and discussed was Now or Never: Angela ponders the best way to say the last goodbye.

Sunday Telegraph Magazine Feb 5-11 2012 p10

 This article will make you laugh and cry, while talking about ways to say our last goodbye to the people we love. Reminding us “to say it in those precious days before you’re gone.”