Library Lovers’ Day 2020

Uncover Something New!

Did you know on February 14 we not only celebrate ‘Valentines Day’ we also get pretty excited about ‘Library Lovers’ Day’.

This year ‘Uncover Something New’ to help us celebrate the day. Borrow one of our specially wrapped books on ‘Library Lovers Day’, find a SILVER ticket inside to win one of seven $30 Dymocks gift cards or find the lucky GOLDEN ticket to win a $50 Dymocks gift card. Each Blind Book will come with an ‘Uncover Something New’ bookmark, and a book themed trivia sheet.


Library Lovers Day – Terms & Conditions

But wait that’s not all!

We have a special new episode of Parra Pods for you to listen to: ‘Chatting with Rachel Givney’. Rachel is the debut author of Jane in Love, a modern day romance featuring a time travelling Jane Austen. The story poses the question – if Jane Austen had to choose between the heart and the pen, what would she do? We were lucky enough to receive an advance copy and engaged in good natured fights over who got to read it and record the podcast. End result; Katherine & Suzanne won and were lucky enough to enjoy a morning chat with Rachel!

We hope you enjoy the podcast and make sure you reserve your copy of ‘Jane in Love‘.

Happy Reading & Listening


If you are interested in reading an extract of ‘Jane in Love’ then check out this post by Better Reading.

Uncover Something New Library Lovers Day 2020

Uncover Something New, Library Lovers Day 2020

Help City of Parramatta Libraries celebrated ‘Library Lovers Day’ on Friday on 14th February 2020 and ‘Uncover Something New!’

Participating is simple! Borrow one of our specially wrapped books on the day. Find a SILVER ticket inside to win one of seven $30 Dymocks gift cards. Find the lucky GOLDEN ticket to win a $50 Dymocks gift card.

Each ‘Blind Book’ will come with an ‘Uncover Something New’ bookmark, plus a book themed trivia sheet.

Trivia answers will be available from Library branches from Tuesday 18 February 2020 and online at Parra Reads.

Lucky winners can present their tickets at any of our libraries between Tuesday 18 February & Friday 21 February to claim their prize.

Drop in to any of our Libraries on Friday 14 February to borrow a book. Available while stocks last.

Open to adults aged 18+. You must me a library member to participate. A total of two books per person can be borrowed.

Library Lovers Day – Terms & Conditions

Reading & Puzzle Challenge

City of Parramatta Libraries invites you to participate in our Reading & Puzzle Challenge.

Read away the summer, solving puzzles and trivia along the way!

A great way for families to read and play along together!

Read and rate five books, write a small review of your favourite and solve a minimum of five of the weekly puzzles or trivia.

Participating is easy. Pick up a copy of the entry booklet at any of our Libraries, or download a here – Entry Booklet – Reading & Puzzles

For persons who prefer to submit an online entry form you can do so via the links below. Please be sure to complete the form prior to 12:00 am Sunday 9 February 2020.

Adult Entry Form

13+ Entry Form

The Reading & Puzzle challenge is open to adults and teens aged 13+.

Puzzles will be released weekly; however there is no need to rush. The competition open most of the Summer leaving plenty of time for you to complete the puzzles. Puzzles can be viewed at all library locations and online.

All eligible entries will be placed in a draw to win some great prizes!




Better Reading Top 100 – Vote now!

Are you an avid reader, always on the lookout for new titles to get your hands on? If you answered yes, Better Reading thinks you’ll be thrilled to know that you can now enter the draw to win all 100 of Australia’s top 100 fiction books for 2018!

To enter, you just need to vote for your all-time favourite fiction book. It can be international or local, old or new, classic or debut – it just needs to be the book you love the most.

Better Reading will collate the 100 most-voted-for books, and then seven lucky winners will each receive a pack of all 100 titles.

Voting ends on Monday 8 October at 5pm, click here to enter now!

Rebus Puzzle Competition – Answers


City of Parramatta Libraries Rebus Puzzle Competition has come to a close and we are busy collating the many entries received.


Below are the answers to all 12 puzzles, have a look and see how you went!


Winners will be drawn – Wednesday 12 September 2018


All winners will be notified by phone on Thursday 13 September 2018.



PUZZLE 1 – TECHNO THEME – Knight Rider

PUZZLE 2 – TECHNO THEME – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

PUZZLE 3 – TECHNO THEME – The Fifth Element

PUZZLE 4 – TECHNO THEME – The Iron Giant



PUZZLE 6 – CLASSIC THEME – The Moonstone

PUZZLE 7 – CLASSIC THEME – The Wizard of Oz



PUZZLE 9 – URBAN THEME – Magic Bites

PUZZLE 10 – URBAN THEME – Castle in the Sky

PUZZLE 11 – URBAN THEME – Dangerous Minds

PUZZLE 12 – URBAN THEME – City of Bones