Library Lovers’ Day Wrap-up

On Friday 14 February City of Parramatta Libraries celebrated Library Lovers’ Day! and encouraged our members to ‘Uncover Something New’!

Available for loan were a selection of specially wrapped books and hidden inside were seven Silver tickets and one Golden Ticket. Not to mentioned book themed trivia sheets and a special ‘Uncover Something New’ bookmark in each specially wrapped book.

Library members enjoyed selecting a ‘blind book’ to read. With one cute little boy lovingly selecting two books for his Mum.

One lucky library member at our Ermington Branch Library was the finder of the GOLDEN TICKET.

Thank you to everyone who participated; we hope you had fun! If you are interested in checking your trivia answers, you can find them below.

Trivia – Sheet One – Answers

Trivia – Sheet Two – Answers

Trivia – Sheet Three – Answers

Trivia – Sheet Four – Answers

Trivia – Sheet Five – Answers

Lastly a big shout out to all Library Staff who worked very hard preparing all those wonderfully wrapped book.

Library Lovers’ Day 2020

Uncover Something New!

Did you know on February 14 we not only celebrate ‘Valentines Day’ we also get pretty excited about ‘Library Lovers’ Day’.

This year ‘Uncover Something New’ to help us celebrate the day. Borrow one of our specially wrapped books on ‘Library Lovers Day’, find a SILVER ticket inside to win one of seven $30 Dymocks gift cards or find the lucky GOLDEN ticket to win a $50 Dymocks gift card. Each Blind Book will come with an ‘Uncover Something New’ bookmark, and a book themed trivia sheet.


Library Lovers Day – Terms & Conditions

But wait that’s not all!

We have a special new episode of Parra Pods for you to listen to: ‘Chatting with Rachel Givney’. Rachel is the debut author of Jane in Love, a modern day romance featuring a time travelling Jane Austen. The story poses the question – if Jane Austen had to choose between the heart and the pen, what would she do? We were lucky enough to receive an advance copy and engaged in good natured fights over who got to read it and record the podcast. End result; Katherine & Suzanne won and were lucky enough to enjoy a morning chat with Rachel!

We hope you enjoy the podcast and make sure you reserve your copy of ‘Jane in Love‘.

Happy Reading & Listening


If you are interested in reading an extract of ‘Jane in Love’ then check out this post by Better Reading.

Smooch Read – Parramatta’s Most Kissable Book Character

To celebrate Library Lovers Day on the 14th February, Parramatta City Library is looking for the most kissable book character! Does Mr Darcy take your fancy? Or is Anastasia Steele more your style? Maybe you’re a fan of an otherworldly lover like Eric from True Blood? Maybe you’re a true romantic and adore Heathcliff.

Drop into the library to vote for your favourite, or visit us on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest.

Most Kissable character announced 3rd March!

Click on the link to have your vote.

SmoochRead Poster













Eleanor wins Library Lovers’ Day Book Review Competition

Eleanor is a year three student from a local public school. She’s a keen reader and illustrator. She’s a regular library user since she was a little girl attending the storytime and is now an avid reader.

Eleanor participated in Parramatta City Library Lovers’ Day Book Review Competition and told us in 60 words ‘the book I love above all others’.

Eleanor’s winning book review Continue reading