Book review: Hour of the wolf by Hakan Nesser

Title: Hour of the wolf

Author: Hakan Nesser

 Yan’s pick

 He drives home, very drunk. Then he runs over a 16 years old boy on the road. The boy is dead.

 Under the cover of midnight’s darkness and heavy rain, he thinks he can get away with the hit and run. True, the police scramble and desperately ask for public help and the driver to come forward.

 Then he receives a blackmail letter which demands money for silence. Continue reading

NYR ambassador, The Lord Mayor Lorraine Wearne’s joy of reading

I am delighted to be able to participate in the Ambassador program and encourage others, particularly young people to read.  Whether reading is done by holding paper pages or an electronic reader, knowledge comes from the written word.  We would know nothing of the   history of our world if it had not been recorded by others for the future.  Literacy should be about fun, imagination and knowledge and if I can help anyone to appreciate its benefits I have achieved much. Continue reading

NYR Ambassador Tracey Lee’s Joy of Reading

I am extremely honoured to be Parramatta’s City Library Ambassador for the National Year of Reading 2012.  As an educator, reading is the keystone to learning but more importantly it is an essential skill for life.  Reading allows a person of any age, race or background to learn, explore and escape to another place and time through the story or information that is being read. Continue reading